Business Details

Current as of October 26, 2024 at 07:23 a.m.

Business or individual name 2587998 ONTARIO INC.
Other name (if any) Provincial Smart Home Services
800-1243 Islington Ave
Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y9
Phone 877 376 7589
Email address
Description of complaint (including the act the complaint falls under)
Action taken (if any) Consumer Protection Act, 2002, Notice of Contravention issued: recipient fails to correct contraventions - 2023-04-20, Failure to correct all contraventions identified in a Notice of Contravention by the date specified by the Ministry, Prescribed information added to Consumer Beware List - 2023-04-20

Charges laid (if any)
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Please note:

Not all consumer complaints submitted to the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement are posted to the Consumer Beware List. A business or individual is only guilty of the offences in the "charges laid" section of the search results when they are found guilty in a court of law.